Hey Blake..

here are all the messages sent to Blake
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Posts: 32
Joined: Thu Sep 09, 2004 6:35 pm
Location: SK Canada

Hey Blake..

Post by tracks »

How is it going? I hope you enjoyed your weekend. I hope you are doing well. Guess what... recall all that snow we had last month? Well it is all gone now.

Blake, here are a couple of jokes for you to tell to the nurses.

Why did the banana go to the doctor??
Because he wasn't "peeling" well!!

Where is Timbukto?
Right after Timbukone and before Timbukthree!!!!

What do you call friends on a ship?

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
Frost bite!

If one sheep is called a ewe - what are two sheep called?
W! (or double U)

A rooster is sitting on top of a barn, and lays an egg. The wind is blowing west and the rooster is facing north. On what side of the barn does the egg fall?
Neither side. Roosters don't lay eggs!!

Stay strong Blake!!!

Your friends from Canada
Rusty & Jenny
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