Hey ya Blake...

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Joined: Thu Sep 09, 2004 6:35 pm
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Hey ya Blake...

Post by tracks »

I hope you weekend is going great! I found a couple of brain teasers for ya that you can tell some of your friends at school when you get back. Who knows, you might even be able to trick your teacher.

How far can you walk into the woods?
Half way, then you are walking out of the woods.

What came first, the chicken or the egg? (this is one of my favorites)
The egg. Dinosaurs were laying eggs a long time before there were chickens.

You have a dime and a dollar, you buy a dog and a collar, the dog is a dollar more then the collar, how much is the collar?
A nickel, the dog cost $1.05

Billy's mother had four children. The first was April, the second was May, and the third was June. What was the name of her fourth child?

Well it looks as though it is going to be a cool day here in the Great White North. Right now the temperature 44*. I will probably have some frost on my beard when I get back from my morning ride. BRRRRR!

Have yourself a great day Blake.
Talk soon.
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